Download the CasinoCoin Mobile Token Wallet (5.x.x)

New Wallet

To generate a new wallet, click on New Wallet.

Read the disclaimer and accept when you are finished. You must click on the checkbox to proceed.

Enter an email that should be associated with this wallet. Enter the same PIN twice as confirmation. If the PIN is lost the recovery phrases must be used to regain access to the wallet. The PIN is required to be 6 digits long.

The next screen allows you to join the Testnet or Production environments but not both. Testnet is activated by choosing Developer Options and hitting the checkbox Connect to The Test Network. Production network is activated by simply pressing Continue without selecting Developer Options.

Do not select Developer Options and the connect to test network sub-checkbox option because you will not be able to receive production tokens on TESTNET.

Click on continue and you will be brought to the Wallet Recovery Passphrase page. The warning indicates that it highly recommends that you retain the recovery words in their exact order. By clicking on I Understand you accept the warning and responsibility.

Validate to the app that you have backed up your twelve (12) words by pressing I Have Made A Copy. By pressing Go Back it will close the shadow box and give you another chance to make your own backup.

The app will perform a check to ensure you have a copy and ask you to enter three (3) words based on their positions. If you input the incorrect keywords or place them in the incorrect order or positions, the app will not allow you to move forward.

Choosing Start Over will return you to the first screen to choose New Wallet or Restore from Recovery Words and will remember your entries. Please note that the app will generate new words when it starts over.

As soon as you complete the recovery phrase validation the app begins creating the wallet. Once complete Open Wallet will become clickable.

If you leave the app open and change to another app during this process you may not see that the wallet was created and will bring you to the PIN login screen when you return. This is not an issue as the app will finish its process of creating the wallet. If you close the app while the wallet is in its creation process you will have to start over.

Click on Open Wallet and you will be brought to the login screen. Notice at the bottom inside the marked orange rectangle, there will be a status of TESTNET or PRODUCTION.

Be aware that enabling a TESTNET wallet and sending PRODUCTION funds to a TESTNET account will result in a loss of funds.

Open Wallet by clicking on Login. You will be prompted for your personal PIN that you created during this process.

If the PIN was entered incorrectly you will receive an error message. There is no limit to the number of times you can try. You will not be locked out.

After a successful login you will see the main menu showing summary information about CasinoCoin and your new account which should show a 0.00 balance.

Account Activation, Funding and Adding A Token

The last step is to activate and fund your account. Accounts are activated when 10 CSC are in the account. An additional .25 CSC is required for adding each token. In this guide we will only be adding one token which is the Crazy8token (CR8).

Account Address

Grab the account address by clicking on the wallet in the middle-top of the dashboard.

You will see at the top an account with a red inactive flag. Click on the account. You are now at the account details page where we will grab the account address. Click on CSC symbol on bottom right. Click on the copy symbol . This copies the address into your clipboard.

Navigate to and paste in your address into the CasinoCoin field as shown.

Click on activate. Within a few seconds you should see 12 CSC appear in your wallet. Now it is time to add the Crazy8token token account and fund it with 100 CR8. From dashboard click on the wallet containing 12 CSC

You should now see a green active flag in the new account.. Click on the account. Click on CSC symbol on bottom right. Click on the plus symbol to add a token.

Fill out the two dropdowns as shown. Account should be Provided Account and Token should be Crazy8Token. The CR8 symbol should show up when that token is selected. Click on Add Token.

Enter the PIN you assigned when creating your wallet. After successfully entering PIN in a few seconds you will see the CR8 token appear and the 12 CSC will be reduced to 11.75 due to the min fee requirement with tokens.

The last item is to navigate back to and get 100 CR8 tokens. Scroll down the webpage and paste the account address into the CR8 Faucet. Click on Send Tokens.

Go back to wallet and you will now notice that 100 CR8 have been added to your new token account.

Congratulations! You have now created a new wallet, activated it and are ready to store you CSC and tokens safely.